Online Course! COMING VERY SOON!!
Snack Trackers is a fully online course in which you follow at your own pace and submit videos for assessment. When you have completed one Tier the next will be open to you so you can continue progressing and earning those Titles!

Did you Know?...
Dogs can smell separately with each nostril. Just as our eyes compile two slightly different views of the world, and our brain combines them to form a 3-D picture, a dog’s brain uses the different odour profiles from each nostril to determine exactly where smelly objects are located. Which makes them and their 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in a humans, perfect for scent games like SNACK TRACKERS!
The part of a dog's brain that is devoted to analysing smells is about 40 times greater than humans. It is so sensitive that dogs can detect the equivalent of a 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar in an Olympic-sized swimming pool. How incredible!
This is why they can have such amazing jobs as cancer detection, blood sugar/diabetes detection and work together with humans to create early warning systems for those in need.
So how do I start with SNACK TRACKERS?
Very simple really, you click on the link below. This will take you to our Online course.
The course you can do completely at your own pace and in your own chosen environments! No classes, no driving and works for all breeds and all types of personalities of dog!
The course is designed to progressively get harder with each Tier and task. Once you have completed a task you will submit a video. It will then be assessed and if you have passed you will be sent out a certificate. If you missed something you will be asked to repeat it.
Once you have a completed a Tier you will get a special surprise in the post!