Whilst you do the shopping at the local supermarket do you wander up and down the fruit and vegetable aisles wondering what your dog can eat?
I know I cant be the only one! But it is definitely something I do.
Did you know that the Honey Dew Melon is a wonderful treat for your dog and comes packed full of extra vitamins and minerals which help with your dogs health.
Vitamin C which helps combat those Free radicals and the damage they can inflict on healthy cells.
Helps to neutralise toxins within the body and curb inflammation
Honey dew melon also offers beta-carotenes which is a precursor of Vitamin A, which is crucial for eye health.
Last but not least melon also has polyphenols and flavonoids which may help protect against neurological and cardiovascular diseases
So the next time you are wandering up and down those aisles there is one more fruit you can add to your dogs shopping list!